How Does the Author, Edgar Allan Poe Suggest to the Reader That the Narrator Is Mentally Unstable?

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This essay will be about a story, The Telltale Heart written by Edgar Allan Poe. This story is about the narrator of the story, who hates the eye which he describes as “the evil eye” of the old man he is lodging with, so much that he has taken the life of the innocent old man to get rid of it forever. Poe suggests that the narrator is unstable by using repetition in his story. I can see this evident in the quote “It grew quicker and quicker, and louder and louder.” I chose this quote because of how the narrator speaks in repetition about the old man’s terrified heart. Also when someone repeats what they have said, twice or thrice or more than once, you start to think that something is wrong. Also the narrator is quite excited while talking in particular places, so he repeats the words that he wants to have more attention on. More aware, wanting us to know precisely how it might have sounded or what the appearance was like (in this case it is the beating of the old man’s heart). Narrator is also constantly trying to convince us that he or she is not mad. “But why will you say that I am mad?” This is the question that the narrator is asking us thorough out the story. The first thing that comes to mind is that, hasn’t he asked us that question quite a few times already. Also it gets annoying and we start to think the opposite the answer that is expected from us by the narrator. The quote (question) that is asked by the narrator, is trying to persuade us that he is not mad but we already have fixed our minds on that he is unstable. Poe cleverly also suggests more clues to if the narrator is unstable or not. The narrator gives exact detail to what he is doing or what he is going to do. This proven in the quote “It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed.” It’s quite weird to have someone to
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