How Does Shakespeare Use Language, Literary and Structural Elements to Develop Character and Ideas in the Passage?

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In William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, he conveys ideas of main psychological challenges that human’s face daily. In the passage above, Lady Macbeth is responding to the news that Duncan is on his way to the castle after learning from Macbeth’s letter about the fulfillment of the three weird sisters’ first prophecy. In this soliloquy, Lady Macbeth’s character is given another personality, and that reveals that under certain circumstances and that in certain situations she cracks. Although the challenges in the play are not necessarily the same ones that an average human faces, Shakespeare conveys ideas of the psychological challenges and develops Lady Macbeth’s second character through his use of diction and structural elements. Firstly, through diction, Shakespeare develops Lady Macbeth’s second character. By commanding the spirits to “Stop up the access and passage to remorse” (1.5.7) and “ Come to my woman's breasts” (1.5.10), Shakespeare’s use of imperative verbs suggests that she has authority. This new authority that Lady Macbeth has gained shows another developing side of her. This new personality that she has gained after she receives the news is developed by Shakespeare’s use of imperative verbs. Also, the idea of psychological challenges, such as her breaking down into another person due to her determination is also conveyed through the verbs that show her empowerment. Next, the idea of psychological challenges is developed through the use of structural elements. Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy does not have a rhyme scheme or any rhyme at all and the meter is not fixed. By doing so, Shakespeare gives the audience an impression that what Lady Macbeth is trying to say is not necessarily important. If Shakespeare had wanted the audience to remember what Lady Macbeth says, he would have to make it catchy and allow it to have a rhythm and flow to it.

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