How Does Shakespeare Establish Iago As The Antag?

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How does Shakespeare establish Iago as the antagonist in Act 1 Scene 1?

In the first couple of exchanges within the opening dialogue, Shakespeare starts to unveil the scheming character of Iago. He does this by setting the context, beginning with an argument, in fact, the very first words spoken by Iago are “’Sblood, but you’ll not hear me! If I ever did dream of such a matter abhor me.”
Here Shakespeare uses strong lexis such as “’Sblood”, a swearword, and “abhor me”, a curse. His language is full of anger and hatred and the audience would quickly catch on to Iago’s bitter character.
The tone is unpleasant and Shakespeare portrays this with his choice of lexis, such as “Tush”, an abrubt, onomatopoeically harsh word, and “curses despise me if I don’t”, things that would lead the audience to question the morals of the character.
The subject of discourse in the first lines of the play are all about hate, “Thou didst hold him in thy hate.” And the audience start to understand what Iago is made of. Lexis such as “Moorship” show how low Iago stoops, as he picks on anything he can in his criticism, including Othello’s race.
From line 7 through to line 8, Iago has a long rant about Othello, as he felt he had been done an injustice when he was not chosen as lieutenant. Instead the post went to Michael Cassio whom he mocks, sarcastically defining him “a great arithmetician”, hardly a compliment for a man in a military position.
He takes the offence even further by calling him a “bookish theoric” and a man of “mere prattle and no practice”. Here Shakepeare shows the audience a new aspect of Iago’s bitter character, jealousy.
Iago is under the impression that he deserved the post more than Cassio. He declares “I know my price”, which suggests he feels his merit has been injured.
By the use of sarcasm, and bitter onomatopoeic language, Shakespeare establishes Iago as
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