How Does Karl Pearson Justify Imperialism

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The document I chose was National Life from the Standpoint of Science, by Karl Pearson. In this essay, I am going to explore by three aspects, economic, political and cultural, that the author used to justify imperialism. According to Duiker, Imperialism was “the efforts of capitalist states in the West to seize markets, cheap raw materials, and lucrative avenues for investment in the countries beyond western civilization” (Duiker 515). In the article by Pearson, he had stated that “Yet their intertribal struggles have not yet produced a civilization in the least comparable with the Aryan. Educate and nurture them as you will, I do not believe that you will succeed in modifying the stock”. As we can see, he implies that the people in the colonies are somehow inferior to the people of their colonizing nation. Politically, the whites are see themselves helping the colored nations to be more unified and to improve their political system. In the article, Pearson mention the word “white man” for many times. The theory of “white man’s burden” is that the whites should colonize the other nations, let say, the colored, which would be benefitting for both sides. Since then, the colonies could have their cultures developed and become more civilized. “At the present day, in the case of the…show more content…
From Pearson, “Let us suppose we could prevent the white man, if we liked, from going to lands of which the agricultural and mineral resources are not worked to the full; then I should say a thousand times better for him that he should not go than that he should settle down and live alongside the inferior race”. From this excerpt, we can see that one reason for countries to start colonization is because of to utilize the natural resources of the earth better and with more efficiency. Also, the intervention of the colonial power were to bring “free markets” and trade-routes for their
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