How Does Harper Lee Use Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Discrimination of Our Own In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there are many accounts of racism. This novel takes place in the 1930’s, a time where racism was at an all time high. Harper Lee shows us how colored people and white people were segregated in many ways. Even though a majority of the discrimination was towards the colored, there were times where the poverty stricken families were seen less worthy than the richer families. Racism is one of the main motifs the book is based on. Calpurnia is a very significant figure in the Finch household and treated with the respect she deserves, but since she is an African American and a lower class citizen she is still segregated. Calpurnia along with the other colored…show more content…
Dolphus Raymond is objected to this discrimination because of his choice to have relations with an African American woman. The people in Maycomb judge Dolphus Raymond for having children with the African American woman and think poorly of his decisions. To avoid confrontation with anyone as to why he chooses to live his life like that, he walks around drinking a beverage from a brown paper bag and sways when he walks. Scout, Jem, and Dill have a conversation with him and realize that he is not an alcoholic, he just pretends to be to avoid people from questioning his actions. Aunt Alexandria too shows this behavior when Scout asks if Walter Cunningham can come over for lunch. Aunt Alexandria forbids that action saying, "…he is trash, that's why you can't play with him. I'll not have you around him, picking up his habits and learning Lord-knows-what” (301). Atticus taught the children that everyone is equal no matter what color your skin is or how rich you are, and Aunt Alexandria has a narrow-minded view of that belief. Aunt Alexandria exemplifies the racist part of society, while Atticus symbolizes the good in
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