How Does Arthur Miller Present Willy's Belief In The American Dream

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One play in which a character challenges the beliefs of others is Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”. In the play main character Willy Loman challenges the beliefs of his son Biff and friend Charley. Miller effectively uses dramatic techniques such as symbolism and foreshadowing to portray these differences in beliefs. Willy believes in the ‘American Dream’ and believes that you have to be successful in life to be happy. Throughout the play Miller has Willy boast about his life to his family telling them how he is “vital in New England” and that “if old man Wagner were alive” he’d be in “charge of New York by now”. Miller uses this boasting, not as a sign of arrogance, but to show the audience how Willy convinces himself and others of his success ad self-worth. Willy desperately wants to be successful and thinks that the only way to do this is to be a salesman.…show more content…
Biff tells Willy “pop I’m a dime a dozen and so are you”. Willy cannot accept this and becomes very angry towards Biff. Willy’s whole life revolves his own success and the success of his son. This is a truly heartbreaking scene for the audience to witness as we see just how different Willy and Biff are. Biff cannot contain himself any longer and hugs Willy through his tears. Willy takes this as a sign of love and we see that he commits suicide for Biffs sake. Here Miller shows that although they have different beliefs they still love each other deep down and Willy sees this as being successful. The audience are touched by this and admire Willy for sacrificing his own life for the goodness of his son. In conclusion, “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller is a heartbreaking play which sees Willy’s beliefs get the better of him as he takes his own life. The challenges Willy faces throughout the play are conveyed by Miller through his use of dramatic

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