How Does Alan Bennett Present Education in the History Boys?

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How does Alan Bennett present education in the History Boys? Alan Bennett uses his two main characters to symbolise different aspects of education, Irwin stands for the ‘payment by results’ school of education. He is trying to get the boys into Oxbridge, by using, ‘another way,’ not quite ‘cheating’ as Timms suggests, but by finding an ‘angle’, as Rudge describes it, a way to deliver the information, without being, ‘shrill or earnest’. He tells the boys that ‘the First World War was a mistake. It was not a tragedy…and as for truth…truth is no more an issue in an examination than thirst at a wine tasting or fashion at a striptease.’ Initially the boys are suspicious of Irwin, the incomer, ‘What a wanker…they all have to do it don’t they; foreskins, show they are still in the game.’ Later in the play they come to rely on Irwin’s lessons, ‘useful, not like Mr Hector’s.’ Dakin, the character admired by almost all of the staff and students, develops a crush on Irwin, less complex and strong, (he wants to ‘impress him’), than Posner’s love for Hector, but it leads to the temptation of Irwin. Alan Bennett creates a dilemma for the viewer of the play, despite creating characters who are clever, engaging and endearing in some cases, he allows none of them a free ride. Only Mrs Lintott, with her dry and bitter comments seems to be almost entirely without ego, ‘One of the hardest things a boy has to learn is that a teacher is human. And one the hardest thing a teacher has to learn is not to try and tell them.’ Both Hector and Irwin fail in this regard, it is why they inspire hero worship and love, but their failure is destructive. They are flawed, sometimes fatally, and the end of the play, which leaves Hector dead and Irwin crippled. Hector, is an entirely different proposition from Irwin, playful, rule breaking, irreverent,hubristic, he appears at first to be a

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