How Did The Dreyfus Affair Affect The French Revolution

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The 1894 Dreyfus Affair was a scandal that split French society and ignited debate around the world, with the issues it raised looking back to the French Revolution and forward to the Holocaust. The Affair had an immense impact on French society and Government, both at the time and in a modern context. It exposed the entrenched prejudice against French Jewish citizens and served as a catalyst for the birth of Zionism. It was also the first time that the press had been used as an amplifying agent, furthering debate and gathering evidence, much like that of contemporary media. The aftermath of the Dreyfus Affair still carries into modern society; the emergence of leftist intellectuals in French politics set the political agenda for the next century…show more content…
The coalition of anti-dreyfusards remained a potent force, manifesting as Action Française, founded by Charles Maurras, Louis Bainville and Leon Daudet where their attention was turned towards issues such as anti-secularism and the propagation of far-right nationalism. L’Action Francaise would eventually give support to the Vichy regime during World War II. However, the dreyfusard victory saw the marginalisation of the right to the fringes of politics and the emergence of intellectual leftists like Clemenceau and Jaures. Clemenceau was a journalist in the Affair; writing 665 articles in the defense of Dreyfus and was an outspoken supporter of Zola. Clemenceau was the editor of Dreyfusard newspaper L’Aurore, which published the famous letter J’accuse, a turning point in the Affair. Clemenceau eventually rose to become Prime Minister of France. Jaures was editor of a popular Dreyfusard newspaper, La Petite Republique, and was a staunch supporter of Zola. Following the affair Jaures became leader of the French socialist party and was instrumental in the drafting of the 1905 Laws on the Separation of Church and
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