How Did Psychology Evolve Into a Science

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* How did psychology evolve into a science? In the 1800s, as scientific ideas triumphed over religious ideas, scholars stopped speculating about the existence of a soul and began speculating about the workings of the mind instead. By the end of the century, the formulation of theories about the mind and the search for evidence to support these theories had become the formal science of Psychology. There has been, however, no easy path to progress. The mysterious inner workings of the mind sometimes appear to be impervious to any kind of scientific approach. The functions of the brain are not something that can be easily observed in a laboratory. Not much can be learned from simply dissecting a human brain. Despite more than a hundred and fifty years of progress in the field, researchers have not yet been able to formulate a model of the human brain that everyone can agree with. Instead, there are several popular models competing for dominance, and the supporters of each model are having trouble understanding each other. ("Evolutionary Psychology ", 2009). Psychology is a discipline that asks and answers the fundamental question, why do we behave the way we do and think the way we think? The best way to characterize the different approaches that are taken to answer the question of psychology is to identify them as major perspectives. The major perspectives represent fundamental assumptions that underlie the research questions and methods that are used in order to answer the questions of psychology. Most all perspectives define psychology as the discipline interested in studying human behavior and mental processes, but that covers a lot of ground and the causes of behavior and mental processes are not always clear. ("Major Perspectives in Psychology", 2011). Psychodynamic Perspective:
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