How Did Martin Luther King Power And Influence

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Power and Influence 1 Power and Influence In Murrieta CA, where I live, I was leaving a gas station located in a diverse business complex. Behind this business complex like many areas in Murrieta, is a large area of 2 undeveloped land. Two professionally dressed men, probably in their 40's, with their wives along with a general contractor were overseeing a large truck flattening the dirt and preparing it for future construction. I'm going to assume that these men purchased this land and are developing it for future business. They are business developers. I'm not sure how they got there, but somehow they have the means to take on an endeavor like this. This serves as a reminder for…show more content…
Martin Luther King Jr. is a great example of a man with power and influence. Without any invitations mailed out or the availability of the internet, 250,000 people attended Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington. The influence he had and continues to have is powerful. His influence came from his values. He never went around proclaiming how great he was or what everyone else needed to do, he just told everyone what he believed. And this cause that he believed in inspired others to believe in the same cause and they made it their own. He got his values from his faith. His faith commanded him to love everyone. He adopted a nonviolent approach and was willing to defy laws created by man that he felt were inconsistent with the laws of a higher authority. His power and influence transformed our country. Although the Four Functions of Management cover only part of what it is to be a manager, they serve as the core principles of what every manager must do. Without them it is nearly impossible for a manager to effectively and efficiently inspire others to get work done. Being a good leader is hard work, but once you master it a good manager uses power and influence effectively and efficiently to accomplish goals, inspire others and improve the situation for everyone

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