How Did Martin Luther King Impact Society

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Born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King Jr. was born of Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and his mother, Alberta Williams King. Martin Luther King Jr. was not an only child. He grew up with a sister who was older than him, Willie Christine King, and a younger brother, Alfred Daniel Williams King. The family quickly realized the harsh reality of the racial segregation of the south. Originally meant to create an equal foothold for everyone, the Jim Crow laws came to be known as living proof of day-to-day racial discrimination. Blacks were not allowed in restaurants, could not drink from the same water fountains as white people and suffered humiliating injustices at the hands of white people in the south. It was the experiences of these early childhood days that led him to fight for equality. King’s education began at a very young age. His mother was a schoolteacher who taught him how to read before he entered school. He attended David T. Howard Elementary in Atlanta. King never really completed high school. He skipped his freshman and senior year at Booker T. Washington High School and went directly into college when he was just 15 years old. He graduated from Morehouse College in 1964 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in…show more content…
He had a vision of a society in which race was not an issue in how people were treated or in how they were allowed to live their lives. While nothing is perfect or complete in the battle for civil rights, the efforts of King and those like him have, in fact, changed the country and the world, for the better, in noticeable ways. His vision has made the world a more equal place, if not an equal one, and it has helped to ensure that minorities have a voice. King sought to teach Americans that our nation’s true identity laid not in color and hate but in diversity and

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