How Did Justinian Affect The World

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Justinian was one of ther greatest Emperorors of all time. As ruler of the Byzantine Empire, Justinian created many thngs during his reign; like the Hagia Sophia Church. He played a big role in the military. He also created the legal code and renovated the byzantine Empirebuilt many public works, created a beautiful church known as the Hagia Sophia, created the legal code, and had a large role in military. Justinian left a mark on the world and his name is still known today. Even nowadays, his legacy continues to affect humans worldwide. Justininan was not born into royalty. Unlike most of the great rulers during the Middle Ages, Justinian was not born into a royal family. He was born to a peasant woman named Vigilantia in the Macedonian town of Tauresium in 482 AD. Fortunately for…show more content…
He sent out his armies commanded by his two powerful generals, Belizarius and Narses. They successfully regained much of the land lost by the collapse of the Western Roman Empire including Italy and the city of Rome. Justinian also wanted to preserve the laws of Rome. He had all of the laws written down in one place. Then he added new laws to make sure that everyone was protected by the laws. This set of laws was called the Justinian Code. It was so well written that it became the basis of laws for many countries throughout the world. Emperor Justininan's reign affected the world. Justinian had a passion for the arts and for religion. Under his reign arts such as poetry and literature flourished. He had a strong belief in Christianity and wrote laws to protect the church and to suppress paganism. He also was a prolific builder. He had churches, dams, bridges, and fortifications built throughout the empire. These three elements of Justinian's passion came together when he rebuilt the Hagia Sophia. This magnificent cathedral is still one of the most famous and beautiful buildings in the world

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