How Computers Have Evolved

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How Computers Have Evolved Computers have drastically changed throughout the years. Comparing the first computers to computers of today would probably give you a good laugh. When computers were invented, the average person didn't use them. In fact, the average person would have had a very difficult time understanding how one operates. When computers were first invented you had to know very complex commands to operate them. The internet wasn't what it is today. Most of the information found on the internet today like shopping, games, and facebook wasn't around when it first came out. In the following paragraphs I will explain how computers have evolved. User interfaces have made some of the biggest changes. The very first computers were command driven. You had to know commands in order to do what you wanted it to. That is no longer true today. Today's computers use a graphical user interface called a GUI. You simply point and click. This makes it so people who don't know much about the way a computer operates can still use it. Using DOS commands was a very difficult process to learn. The invention of GUI interfaces such as Windows and Mac OS has made DOS commands obsolete. The size of computers have changed greatly over the years. Some bigger computer systems still exist but most computers are smaller and easier to handle. What once filled a room is now found in small cell phones. This is made possible by the discovery of new technologies and higher precision manufacturing, allowing us to make devices smaller and more powerful. Also the way the home computer case lays has changed. The case use to lay flat with the monitor sitting on top of it. Most desktop computers today have towers instead. Also monitors are much smaller today. Most computer monitors today are LCD flat panels compared to the big heavy CRT monitors of the past. The

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