How Are You Runaway Slavery

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The Civil War 1850-1876 In the 1850’s when a white man died they had to sell all o f his slaves. So they would call a big town meeting and set a date for the oxen off the slaves .first they would check their teeth and tell their age and weight. Then the interested buyer would check their back for lash marks. A sign of too many beatings would show that the slave was/is a trouble maker. Each slave goes to the highest bidder. Families are broken up in spite of begging and tears. After they were sold then chained and marched away. A short while later a town meeting was held and a cotton mill owner stood up; he stated “The southerners are not monsters! I have visited many plantations and the slaves are well-housed and well-fed. They have…show more content…
When they were running at night they would go through swamps to through off the dogs. When they ran they would sometimes not know where they were going; some say that if you follow the North Star, it leads to freedom. But slaves where valuable property. When slaves went missing a search was begun. Tired, hungry, scared few would slip into a farmyard looking for food. There they ran into a young woman she asked “Are you runaway slaves”? “Don’t argue just get inside here. I can hear the dogs barking behind you”. Not knowing quite how it happened they found themselves being pushed down the stairs into a cellar. The young woman said “Just keep quiet not a sound”. The woman pulled a rug over the door and then her spinning wheel. Over head they could hear a pounding on the door, and voices. They thought am I trapped? Should I try to run for it? Over head they heard “morning ma’am we are looking for runaway slaves. Have you seen any”? “No I have not”. “Mind if we have a look around inside”? “of course not I have nothing to hide”. After a little the slaves herd horses riding away. Then the trap door opened. “It’s all right! They have gone. But you best stay here to be safe. I’ll bring you some food”! “Someone will be here tonight to take you…show more content…
Then the slaves got in the hay and hid. “Goodbye and god keep you safe”. Over empty back roads the mule poled along. After a while they say I’m grateful … but I wish we knew what was happening. “You are just lucky. You came upon a station on the underground rail road”. It’s a mighty funny railroad! There is over 3,000 people helping black and white together. The stations are where runaway slaves can be held. My name is Harriet Tubman, (one of the most famous conductors on the underground railroad. Between 1850 and 1860 she went into the south 19 times and brought out 300 slaves. The owners offered $40,000 for her dead or alive.) The conductors we take more than 100,000 slaves out to the
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