How Are Governments Created

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How are governments created? What constitutes the process as being successful and under what conditions? How are the limits, guidelines, and responsibilities of a triumphant and legitimate government and what and what are the consequences if the goals aren’t met fairly or correctly? The only way to answer these questions is to look at the reality concealed beneath the power of civilizations and government. Good and evil are hidden deep within the pages of history, and are the results of the behavior and leadership of single or multiple actors. These actors play a key role in the decision making process in the life of governments-- in other words they had the power and ruling authority over societies. The rise and the fall of civil societies and government is a direct result of the players who control the fate of so-called “civilized societies.” The ultimate truth lies on the core of functioning of the legitimate governments and on the ongoing fight of the people for justice, peace, and happiness. The 18th century enlightenment, an era that celebrated free inquiry, political liberty, and progress, saw the development of the theory of the social contract. 1This theory postulated a new political and social principle, which held that relations among individuals in a society, and between individuals and government, are governed by a social contract. Some if its chief proponents –John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau – have been widely published and discussed in the learned journals and the ideas of these philosophers. Certainly the ideas of Locke and his contemporaries strongly influenced the political and moral philosophies of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison. And other architects of American government. The antecedents of the theory of social contract can be traced back to Aristotle, who distinguished between monarch and tyrant and upheld the right
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