How Accurate Is It to Say That the Growth of Reformist Groups in the Years from 1881 Was the Main Cause of the 1905 Revolution?

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How accurate is it to say that the growth of reformist groups in the years from 1881 was the main cause of the 1905 Revolution? Many factors caused the 1905 revolution and to say that the growth of the reformist groups from 1881 was the main cause would not be completely accurate. The reformist groups did contribute to the outbreak of the 1905 revolution but other factors such as the dissatisfaction of the people and Bloody Sunday and the Russo-Japanese war also caused the outbreak of the 1905 revolution. The reformist groups were a long term cause for the 1905 revolution. Russia was still an autocratic state (the Tsar held completed political power). The reformist groups wanted to amend this so the Tsar had less power. The reformist groups also known as the radical parties all had various different ideas as to how they were going to go about reforming the country. They grew in numbers from 1881 and gained a lot of support from various different social groups. The Socialist Revolutionary Party wanted to completely abolish the Tsar’s power and give the peasants power to advance Russia. They were quite radical as they had terrorist wing who were responsi9ble for a few political assassinations. Another reformist group was the Social Democrat Party. They believed the industrial workers should be given power in order to revolutionise as removes Tsar’s power over the country. The Social Democrats were split into two groups: the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. The Bolshevik’s was more radical and was led by Lenin. The Menshevik’s agreed to wait for the workers to gain power overtime. Lastly the Liberals believed that to develop Russia you had to work with the middle-class. The growth of the reformists groups led to the 1905 revolution as they all wanted change; they wanted the Tsar to agree with them. The Tsar didn’t agree to any of the reformist groups terms therefore
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