Houseboy Essay

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PROBLEM: DETERMINE THE STYLE OF THE NOVEL HOUSEBOY ,WHAT ARE ITS EFFECTS AND DOES THESE EFFECTS MAKE THE NOVEL ENJOYABLE? Houseboy is a novel written by Ferdinand Oyono, born in 1929, Cameroonian novelist, lawyer, and diplomat, whose literary reputation rests on three important novels he wrote in his mid 20s. His writing examines the injustice of the colonial system and focuses on what Oyono viewed as the hypocrisy and bad faith of Europeans in their relationships with Africans. Oyono attacks the French justification for colonialism—to “civilize” Africans—by satirizing the colonial administration and the work of Christian missionaries. The manner in which Oyono contrasts the idealistic myth of the colonized world with its brutal reality results in dark humor. This pattern is effectively set in the novel Une vie de boy (1956; translated as Houseboy, 1966), his first and most important work.His writing examines the injustice of the colonial system and focuses on what Oyono viewed as the hypocrisy and bad faith of Europeans in their relationships with Africans. Oyono attacks the French justification for colonialism—to “civilize” Africans—by satirizing the colonial administration and the work of Christian missionaries. The manner in which Oyono contrasts the idealistic myth of the colonized world with its brutal reality results in dark humor. This pattern is effectively set in the novel Une vie de boy (1956; translated as Houseboy, 1966), his first and most important work. Now that we have a very brief summary of what the novel is really about we can move to the main purpose of this paper which is to determine the style of writing of this great piece of African literature. A WRITER’S STYLE IS WHAT SETS HIS OR HER WRITING APART and makes it unique. Style is the way writing is dressed up (or down) to fit the specific context, purpose, or audience. Word choice,
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