Hospital Group Productivity

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Hospital Group Productivity The organizational structure of a hospital is very complex and encompasses many different aspects. Therefore, it is important that every group work effectively to increase productivity. The main groups identified in the hopsital setting are administrators, caregivers (such as physicians and nurses), and support staff (such as housekeepers and kitchen workers). This report will identify that the main problems that hinder productivity for each group are: role conflicts within groups, communication problems among group members, lack of cohesiveness in groups with diverse members, and excessive intergroup conflict; it will also provide recommendations for resolving these issues in order to increase group productivity. Role conflicts within groups First, we will discuss role conflict and how it relates to each group in a hospital setting. Intrarole conflict occurs when there are different expectations defined for the same role. (Losh, 2011) For example, hospital administrators are obligated to manage the financial situation of the hospital, but still direct the caregivers to provide the best patient care. The greatest conflict occurs when a patient needs care, but is unable to pay. The administrator must weigh the decision of acting as a financial advocate and refusing the patient, or providing care at a monetary loss. This conflict can often times be overwhelming and lead to a decrease in productivity. Finding balance is key to the members of the administrative group. Adminstrators are required to be disciplined, yet compassionate, so administrators need to determine which ares require strict discipline, and which require compassion. This group should allocate some funds for those who cannot pay, that way they are able to treat patients without incurring financial loss. Conflict for caregivers occurs almost daily, since their role

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