Horrors In The Holocaust

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Nazis: Torturers or Victims? "If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them," quoted Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, "but the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being … it is after all only because of the way things worked out that they were the executioners and we weren’t." The experiments on obedience to authority conducted by Yale university psychologist Stanley Milgram confirmed the thoughts of Solzhenitsyn by proving, sadly, that at least 65% of everyday human beings could be initiated into behaving in ways that might lead to killing innocent victims. In fact, we all feel contempt before acts of inhumanity like the Holocaust, and it is convenient to attribute horrors…show more content…
However, it challenges our basic conception of human nature to admit that, almost any of us, caught up in those unusual circumstances, could have been a mass murderer. In fact, most people who participated in the Holocaust atrocities were not simple monsters, but ordinary people transformed into perpetrators of evil. Genocide and ethnic cleansing are unforgivable, dreadful deeds that are initiated and directed by some individuals who are evil by nature such as Hitler. Nevertheless, evil leaders do not need evil demons for those deeds, but only compliant workers and willing soldiers. So how good people can become the instruments of evil? In fact, the answer to that question was brought by the Milgram experiment which showed that two-thirds of common people who fell under the power of strong situational forces blindly obey authority and do deeds that are alien to their morality. Bernhard Schlink, the author of the bestseller The Reader, argued that there is a line that individuals may step over under a pervasive,

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