Hookes Law Essay

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Hookes law Hooke’s Law Due Date: Monday 4th March Science with Ms Goodridge-Kelly Luke Mannix and Peter Lam, 10E Aim To determine how the value of ‘X’ (Distance Stretched) changes when various forces (f) are applied using a spring measure and various weights. Hypothesis The value of X will increase as more force is applied. Equipment 1x Spring Measure 1x 30cm Ruler 1x 50 gram Weight Holder with Hook 4x 50 gram Weights Method 1. The 50 gram weight holder was attached to the end of the Spring Measure. 2. The value of ‘X’ was measured using the ruler. 3. The value of ‘f’ and ‘X’ was recorded. 4. Step 3 was repeated 4 more times with an extra 50 gram weight added to the weight holder each time. 5. Steps 3 to 4 were repeated two more times to improve accuracy. 6. A table was created using the values found during the experiment. 7. A second table was created using the averaged values for each of the different weights. 8. A Graph was created using the second table with ‘X’ values in the y-axis and ‘f’ values in the x-axis. Results Table 1.1: Raw Results Weight (grams) | Trial | Values of f (in Newtons [N]) | Value of X (in centimetres [cm]) | 50 | 123 | 0.5 0.5 0.5 | 11 1 | 100 | 123 | 1 0.8 1 | 2 2.1 2 | 150 | 123 | 1.5 1.45 1.5 | 3 3.1 3.1 | 200 | 123 | 2 2 1.9 | 4 4.1 3.9 | 250 | 123 | 2.4 2.4 2.3 | 54.8 5 | Table 1.2: Averaged Results Weight (in grams) | | Value of X (in centimetres [cm]) | 50 | 0.5 | 1 | 100 | 0.93 | 2.03 | 150 | 1.48 | 3.06 | 200 | 1.96 | 4 | 250 | 2.3 | 4.93 | Distance Stretched (X) in Centimetres (cm) Distance Stretched (X) in Centimetres (cm) Force Applied (f) in Newtons (N) Force Applied (f) in Newtons (N) Analysis of Results The above results

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