Homosexuality in Africa

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Introduction The purpose of this essay is to inform and educate the reader on homosexuality in Africa and its origin through our chosen journal article; as residents in the African continent we will also include our reaction to the scholar’s findings and whether or not the research resonates with our own opinions. Homosexuality is defined as the “erotic activity with another of the same sex” Merriam-Webster dictionary (2010). We aim to understand how homosexuality came about in Africa; how the 20th century culture views sexuality in Africa and what myths and preconceived notions about sexual identity in Africa people hold to be true. Through years of scholarly research and collected data from the author of our chosen article; we will attempt tackling this very controversial subject objectively. The article chosen is “Homosexuality” in Africa, Issues and Debates (1997). The scholar’s name is D. P. Amory. The study focuses on African sexual norms in certain cultures and the lack of general awareness on these norms and practices. The article gives examples of incidents from across Africa and explores scholar’s opinions on the matter. Amory describes and examines the age old theory that “homosexuality” in Africa was introduced through the “white man”. She goes on to challenge that theory by exploring the numerous African cultures that have practiced same sex sexual acts before the “white man” ever stepped into the cultural mind frame through western influence. The biggest concept the author discusses in this article is the term “sexuality” and how it differs from western context to African context. Although sexuality differs greatly within both regions of the world African sexuality is many times painted with the same paintbrush as western sexuality. It is presumed that both cultures experience and use the term in the same manner. According to the
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