Hitler Becoming Chancellor

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In 1929, the USA had suffered from a Great Depression. People lost their money, businesses went bankrupt leading to a soar in unemployment numbers and homes were lost resulting in the rapid increase in slums. After the First World War, Germany begun to borrow money from the USA to help their country recover. Due to the Depression having a big effect on the USA's economy, Germany was no longer supplied with the money they needed to recover. In 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. There were many factors leading to him gaining this position- The Depression, the German public being unhappy with the government, the fear of Communism, Hitler's personality and the organisations of the Nazi party. The Depression was one of the major reasons why Hitler became Chancellor. The Depression had a big effect on Germany, like the USA, businesses collapsed, unemployment rose and banks closed. Despite this, this is what Hitler wanted- the public began to vote for him after he promised better lives for those affected. To the unemployed, he promised them jobs. To ordinary Germans, a better and richer Germany was promised, in which Versailles would be beaten- many Germans hated the treaty, feeling it was too harsh. The rich industrialists and landowners were promised that Communism would be smashed, which is what these groups of people were scared of. Many of these rich industrialists helped to finance the Nazi party. Another factor which helped Hitler become Chancellor was how unhappy the German public was with the government. It was made up of so many different parties that no proper agreement could be made about how to handle the depression. Two chancellors, Müller and Brüning resigned in quick succession because they couldn't get a majority of politicians to support their ideas. By 1932, President Hindenburg had to use his special “Emergency Powers”. This meant he
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