History of the Olympics

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Sports throughout the world have influenced changes in the economical, technological, and social fields. The integrating of cultures during international sporting events has also brought a state of peace between some countries. Friendly competition has bypassed the barrier between the warring states of the ancient world and continues to disregard it in today’s modern time. The beginning of sporting events being held for a public spectacle dates back more than 2700 years ago to the days of ancient Greece. In this time they were held for a religious event to honor the gods. The “Games” were held in order to honor Zeus, the father of all gods and goddesses. Only free males that spoke Greek were allowed to compete, unlike the games of our modern age in which they’re composed of different national teams. The events were held at Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece and also said to be the home of the gods. They began in 776 B.C. and contained only one event, the stadion, which later became a unit of length (DeVries [16]). The events were then held at four year intervals for the next twelve centuries. The First Modern Olympics was held in Athens, Greece, in 1896 as a realization in the dream of the father of the modern Olympic Games, the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin. The conception of the modern Olympic Games was entirely different compared to the ancient Olympics. There were four Baron’s principles that were far from a simple sports competition, to “adhere to an ideal of a higher life, to strive for perfection”; to represent an elite “whose origins are completely egalitarian” and at same time “chivalry” with its moral qualities; to create a truce “a four-yearly festival of the springtime of mankind”; and to glorify beauty by the “involvement of the philosophic arts in the Games” (Young [31-32]). In the first twenty years only Summer Olympics were held
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