History of Puppetry

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PUPPETRY HISTORY, SOME TYPES AND ITS USAGE TODAY 1 Introduction – Ref.1 2 Short history of puppetry – Ref.2 3 History of “Radical puppetry”: 1600 – today – Ref.3 * Roots of Small Puppets in Europe * Criminalizing puppeteers * Beginnings of Giant Puppets in Europe * Late 19th Early 20th Century * WWI – WWII * Workers Theatre in Europe 1917-33 * Russian Street Art * Czech puppetry * The United States – 20th century (from 60ties to the Millenium) * Radical puppetry now 4 Chinese Shadow Puppetry – Ref.4 5 The Art & Puppetry – Ref.5 Introduction Puppetry is an old, traditional form of theatre or performance that involves the manipulation of puppets. It is very ancient form of visual art and is believed to have originated 3000 years BC. Puppetry takes many forms but they all share the process of animating inanimate performing objects. Puppetry is used in almost all human societies both as entertainment – in performance –ceremonially in rituals and celebrations such as carnivals. Most puppetry involves storytelling. Puppetry is still active in almost every culture, although not so widely as in the past, and is used in many different contexts, for cultural, educational and spiritual teaching. As puppetry is primarily a visual art, it can communicate to people who are not literate or who do not understand spoken language and it has been used in this way for thousands of years. Short history Puppets have been used since the earliest times to animate and communicate the ideas and needs of human societies. Some historians claim that they pre-date actors in theatre. There is evidence that they were used in Egypt when string-operated figures of wood were manipulated to perform the action of kneading bread. Wire controlled, articulated puppets made of clay and ivory have also been found in Egyptian tombs.
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