History Of Marijuana Research Paper

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Marijuana came into the southwestern United States in the early 1900s with Mexican migrants who entered the country looking for work In 1906, the ‘Pure Food and Drug Act’ was passed in the U.S. and the Food and Drug Administration was formed. This was the first time drugs had any government oversight. In 1908, Henry Ford made his first Model T with hemp plastic. The car was fueled with hemp ethanol. California passed the first state marijuana law in 1913, but it was largely overlooked because it specifically addressed "preparations of hemp, or loco weed." In 1914 in El Paso, some white men were allegedly attacked by a Mexican man who had "gone crazy" on supposedly "killer weed." Following the incident, the El Paso City Council passed an…show more content…
Harry J. Anslinger, a prohibitionist, became the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930. He held the position until 1962. In the 1930s, bales of marijuana (called muggles), tea and reefer were arriving in southern port cities such as New Orleans via West Indian sailors. Jazz musicians travelled north and took marijuana with them, making reefer parties popular in many major cities along the way. In 1936, the propaganda film "Reefer Madness" was made n an attempt to scare young Americans away from using marijuana. The film directly stated that smoking marijuana causes insanity. On October 2, 1937, without any open debate, scientific enquiry, or political objection, President Roosevelt signed the Marijuana Tax Law. The law made it illegal to possess marijuana in the U.S. without a special tax stamp issued by the U.S. Treasury Department. On the very day the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act was passed, the FBI and Denver police raided the Lexington Hotel and arrested two…show more content…
to be convicted of selling of marijuana without a tax stamp. He was sentenced to four years of hard labor in Leavenworth Penitentiary. (Caldwell was also fined $1,000 for the two marijuana cigarettes that were found in his possession.) 1944 : La Guardia commissioned a six-year study by a group of 31 impartial scientists. After an in-depth scientific analysis, researchers concluded that marijuana does not cause violent, psychotic episodes, is not responsible for anti-social behavior, does not cause uncontrollable sexual urges and does not alter a person's core personality structure. In the 1950s, Anslinger used a new scare tactic by producing propaganda claiming that marijuana was a gateway drug to heroin. In 1951, Anslinger supported an amendment that would dramatically increase mandatory drug sentences In 1956 Anslinger then pushed for even tougher drug laws and got President Eisenhower on board. The Narcotic Control Act put marijuana in the same drug class as heroin and added more severe penalties. In the 1960s, anti-drug propaganda was widely distributed with the message that smoking marijuana would not only make you lazy and irresponsible, but that you were also out of touch with reality and a threat to national
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