History of Jazz Essay

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Born in the heart of New Orleans, it is lead to believe that jazz is both a popular music style and serious art form. This is proven to be correct through its development in the 19th and early 20th century, being heavily influenced through ragtime, marching bands, blues and African American spirituals. Throughout history, jazz has created serious use of improvisation, individuality and complexity that has shaped and aspired artists of today’s music. Before 1920, ragtime was seen to be a popular music style consisting of syncopated melodies and steady beats that had high contribution in creating a style of jazz. Primarily developed by African American Pianists who traveled throughout the south playing in saloons, dance halls and brothels, Ragtime flooded throughout America the music publishing industry, a music interest for whites and blacks. As sheet music was now purchasable for pianos and marching bands, music became more accessible and easily spread good dance arrangements and entertainment for a whole nation. Ragtime was especially seen to be an excitement to America’s youth. The cause of this excitement was mainly to the syncopation in the pieces which gave the listeners a feel to the music, a sense of swing and musical looseness that inclined them to dance, this portion of ragtime majorly influencing and inspiring the creation of jazz. When ragtime has been played on piano, the right hand generally plays a highly syncopated melody , whilst the left hand maintains an “oom-pah” accompaniment, this giving steady beats to feel and dance to music. The ragged music is usually played in duple metre and generally has a moderate march tempo. When jazz began to develop in the 1920’s, ragtime melodies were often an inspiration for instruments improvisations due to it’s recent widely known tunes. Here is when the steady beat, syncopation and piano style of ragtime is

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