History 101 Module 3 Case

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Module 3 Case Assignment HIS 101: MODERN WORLD HISTORY March 5, 2012 Abstract For the third Case assignment, I will identify the single modern technology that, in my opinion, has resulted in the greatest social change. In a five to six page paper, I am to describe both the technology and the social change in detail. I am to make sure the causal connections between the technology and the change are explained in a clear and convincing manner. Social Media Technology and Social Change: In my opinion, the single most modern technology that has resulted in the greatest social change is actually Social Media Technology and its effects on social change. Social media technology has pretentiously affected everything from sexual content in music, movies, television, magazines. As well as ground, air and space transportation, communications, power, sciences of every kind, nuclear energy, nanotechnology, politics at the highest level of government and indeed the entire mass media around the globe as a whole. Global Government and Personal Worldwide Usage: I believe that the proof of the power is realized at the highest levels of political government (as seen in Pres. Obama’s Facebook page), as well as NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Administration). The launching of the satellites for communication purposes and space research have added a must higher degree to my message how it affects global social norms. The potential of social media technology will be the single greatest influence that will be able to create, change, and form the world' s social norms simply by its implicit, tactics, techniques and procedures within its message presentation. The author Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, "The medium is the message". McLuhan, believes that messages are affected by the technique in which they

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