Historical and Scientific Perspectives

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Historical and Scientific Perspectives Kiyannah Simmons PSY-265 March 19, 2014 Sharon Clark Historical and Scientific Perspectives “Homosexual orientation” is defined as “erotic attraction to, and preference for, developing romantic relationships with, members of the same sex” (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner- Rathus, 2011, p.280). When trying to understand homosexuality, various perspectives should be analyzed. Different perspectives include; historical, cross-cultural, cross-species, biological, psychological, and contemporary. Two perspectives I have decided to explore is historical and psychological. When exploring the historical perspectives, religions and traditions come into play. Centuries ago, homosexuality was common among Greeks and Romans. (Rathus et al., p.287) states that “in Greece, established men frequently formed sexual relationships with adolescent males at about the age at first growing a beard.” The Romans described highly feminine gay men who dressed flamboyantly, and showy hair styles and mannerisms, and cruised certain neighborhoods, searching for partners (Rathus et al., p.287). But in Christianity, Christians found this behavior sinful and unacceptable. Individuals who took part in this manner were punished. In a traditional factor, men and women were to play specific roles in various cultures. Women were to be housewives and parents, while men were considered providers and dependents. Tradition relates to religion because religious individuals feel men and women should act a certain way especially when it comes to sexual orientation. Therefore men were to have sexual relations with women and women were to have relations with men and anything other than this way was considered sinful and punishable. From a cross-cultural perspective, homosexuality was based strictly on behavior and not sexual orientation. Some cultures

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