His/301 - Week 1 Quiz

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* 1 What was William Marbury seeking from the Suprme Court in Marbury v. Madison? * Writ of Certiorari * Writ of Mandamus * Money Damages * Temporary Restraining Order * 2 Which of the following constitutional clauses has not contributed to the growth in federal power? * Necessary and Proper Clause of Art. I * Supremacy Clause of Art. VI. * Powers Clause of the Tenth Amendment * Commerce Clause * 3 Which of the following Chief Justices of the Supreme Court was responsible for writing the majority opinion in Marbury v. Madison, wherein the power of judicial review was announced? * Warren * Marshall * Rehnquist * Jay * 4 Which of the following was not intended to protect against tyranny? * Federalism * Separations of Power * Single Federal Executive * Checks and Balances * 5 Assume that a state and the federal government hold concurrent jurisdiction over an issue and furthermore, both have enacted statutes to regulate the subject. However, the state statute is contrary to the federal law. The state law is * Valid. * Invalid as preempted by the Necessary and Proper Clause. * Invalid as violating the dormant Commerce Clause. * Invalid as preempted by the federal law under the Supremacy Clause. * 6 In which era did the Court begin to expand the powers of the federal government? * Pre-New Deal * Marshall Court * Taney Court * Rehnquist Court * 7 Which model of federalism maintains the theory that the national government is supreme to the state governments and that he powers of the national government are read broadly, and the Tenth Amendment is read as not granting any specific powers to the states.

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