Hippies, Indians, Buffalo

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Hippies, Indians, Buffalo Hippies, Indians, Buffalo is a short story written in 1989 about a boy named Martin, who is not completely sure of who he is. His cousin has died in the Vietnam War and Martin is expected to be sent there too, but he is not sure if he even wants to. His father wants him to go; because he is against communism and that is what they fight against in Vietnam. In the end of the short story Martin drives towards the Canadian border, after deciding he doesn’t want to go to Vietnam. The short story takes place in St. Paul, Minnesota in The United States. And Vietnam is a frequent topic, though our main character never gets there. At the end of the short story we also get to the Canadian border. The story is set in the years 1970 to 1971. The actual story starts on a cold and rainy day, which signifies sadness and depression. This is called pathetic fallacy. It also indicates that something is wrong. In the start Martin notices a letter from his dead cousin Toby, and he wants to read the letter but still he is a little skeptic. It is at this time a year since Toby died, so the letter was delivered very late. When he finally gets the courage he is interrupted because his mother comes home, and therefore he can't open the letter. This also indicates a tense and confused atmosphere. Also later when he tries reading the letter again his father interrupts him. Martin’s relationship to his father is also a little tense; they don’t seem to get along that well. Martin has a long braid in the back and he says that this braid is what gets to the father. Even though he failed three classes and is a bit criminal. Martin and the father don’t know what to talk about either. Martins father work a lot, so I guess they never just talk, because there isn’t time to get to know each other. Which affect their relationship. But maybe Martins father doesn’t
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