Hibitual Liar Essay

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Habitual Liar Growing up I was not daddy’s little girl. Opposite of Sarah Vowell in her essay “Shooting Dad”, I began having conflicts with my dad as a child. I barely knew my father growing up. He would avoid me in every way that he possibly could. I still don’t know to this day why he wished not to be a part of my early stages of life. As a child, I would make up excuses for him not showing up to momentous occasions. His absence was not because of me or what my mother may have done. My father’s constant lying was a major problem that we had. Instead of telling me that he would not be able to make it, he would have me waiting for hours by the door. Eventually the crying got old and I started to accept him for the person he really was. The older we both got the better our situation became. We were both aware that it was time for change. Someone had to grow up and be the bigger person. Just like Vowell said, “The older I got the more I’m interested in becoming a better daughter.” For years it was like I was fighting with my little brother. No matter how many times he lied and left me disappointed I kept trying. It seemed as he would never give in. All I wanted was for him to realize that I was his daughter and that I needed the support of my father. The concept after many years began to stick. It wasn’t until my high school years that he showed any real sign of change. The feeling of being able to hold a conversation and spend time together without the lies felt so good. However, by this time it was too late due to the fact that I was practically grown. It was hard for me allow him to come back in my life after being hurt by him multiple times. Our relationship will never be more than him giving me money. The only time I have any contact with him is when I need or want something. I consider him my walking bank not my
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