Heterosexual Promiscuity Essay

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HETEROSEXUAL PROMISCUITY: The situation envisaged here is that the candidate has engaged in close physical intimacy with one or more girls or women, even as far as sexual intercourse. Promiscuity shows a general weakness or instability in human relationships, and possibly the lack of a sense of sin. If however sexual intimacy has occurred with one person only in the context of a more or less stable relationship, then the outlook is less negative. The candidate may be able with sufficient help to overcome past weaknesses and go into a celibate life. Once more the whole personality of the candidate must be taken into account. Origin and Development: Failure to negotiate the conflicts of psychosexual stages of development can lead to psychosexual issues. For instance, an unsolved conflict at the stage of Control and authority can lead to a sense of loss of control, manipulation and devaluation used as control measures, aggressive and passive aggressive, obligation when inner world is rebellious and sour, a sense of being victim. The end results are psychological issues; primitive fusion of sex and aggression, exploitation of others who are used as objects, projection and denial of sexual impulses and sex used to confirm and affirm oneself. Dynamics: Due to general weakness or instability in human relationship an individual engages in in promiscuous behaviour by having casual sex frequently with different partners or being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. Sexual promiscuity can carry a moral judgement if viewed in the context of a mainstream social ideal for sexual activity to occur only within exclusive committed relationships. A common example of behaviour viewed as promiscuous within the mainstream social ideals of many cultures is a one-night stand, prostitution, frequenting brothels etc. Many victims of sexual abuse have difficulties

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