Hero's Job Application Essay

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English AP (2nd period) Hero’s Job Application & Reference A true hero does not use his powers to show off or to draw attention to oneself. However, the hero is always brave enough to fight to save the innocent and is determined enough to see the job through to the finish. This is not to say that heroes are not afraid. Heroes simply believe that the risks he or she takes are worth it to protect the people they have sworn to serve. By saying this, here are the requirements we are looking for in a hero: Experience in fighting against villains or any type of monster. Must have two or more super powers and must be a good role model for children of the community. Our hero must stay true to oneself a true hero shows respect to all and commands…show more content…
It was a Wednesday afternoon when Book-burning-ben came to town and started burning all of the schools books. We cried for help thinking that all of our books would end up being destroyed. In a quick matter of seconds Captain Do It All came to our rescue. Captain Do It All first made sure that all of the town was okay and that we back away from the situation so that way we would be safe and out of harm’s way. Captain Do It All flew up to try and stop Book-burning-ben, Captain Do It All tried reasoning with him but he was not having it. Bookburningben tried to fire at hero when all of a sudden hero turned invisible. Book-burning-ben looked lost and confused when out of nowhere Captain Do It All tied a rope around Book-burning-ben and the brawl was over. Captain Do It All came down to help clean up with all of the mess Book-burning-ben had made. After the mess was clean he told us that he was good friends with the book company and that the schools were going to get better books. Captain Do It All has shown me that education means a lot to him and if it means that much to a super hero then it should mean a lot to our younger generations. Captain Do It All showed so much respect for our community and for that he will always have our respect as well. I think Captain Do It All deserves this job more than anyone else because he cares about the children and the community. He is a great role model to look up to.
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