Herman Cain's 9-9 Case Study

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Would Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan get you to vote for him? FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty: Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is breathing down Mitt Romney's neck – and much of the attention he's getting is focused on his 9-9-9 tax plan. Cain talks about this plan, and how it would stimulate economic growth, a lot. Whether you agree or disagree with Cain's tax plan, there's no doubt it would simplify our complicated tax code. The 9-9-9 plan would get rid of almost all of the current taxes and replace them with: •A 9% flat federal individual income tax •– A 9% flat federal corporate tax •– And a new 9% national sales tax Not everyone is sold. Far from it. Some economists along with other Republican presidential hopefuls
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