Factual And Syntactical Themes In The Poed By Annie Dillard

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1.Annie Dillard opens her essay with a factual and objective style. Why does she use this approach? So you know the whole essay will be filled with entertaining information throughout the whole essay. 2.Dillard uses many similies, especially in paragraphs 30-31 and 40-41. How does this serve her rhetorical purpose? What points is she making about dave rahms work? Shes saying how skilled he was and how every time he flew it was like a work of art, the lines were like a work of art. 3.Dillard frequently uses syntactical inversions. Find one example of them, and discuss their effort? She mixes up the choice of words to make the same meaning using the same words but at the same time sounding different.I couldnt find an example but it would be like below in question 6, "He bought the farm", "The farm he bought".…show more content…
Why does dillard make these allusions? What effect does she achieve? In your response, consider the quotation that closes the essay. She does uses allusions so we can better understand how rahm flew and the beauty when he flew, They say that rahm improvised all of his stunts that he did and that not one he could remember because they were not planed. 5.What is the purpose of paragraph 13, where dillard describes a swallow? Could this description have been placed elsewhere in the essay? why or why not? She describes the swallow because she was refering it back to Rahm and when he flew, she said the swallow would watch and when rahm was done then the swallow would fly the same way that rahm did, with every move being

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