Help Individuals to Eat and Drink

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Help individuals to eat and drink Have a look at a care plan. Write down the important parts that are related to eating and drinking. Give an example of the nutritional requirements for the client. How do you identify the level of help a client needs to eat/drink? Give 2 examples of such support. Write down an example of a client`s choice of food. How could their choice be influenced by their religion or personal beliefs? Do clients have a right to choose their food? If you disagreed with a client`s choice of food what advice could you obtain? Give an example of a religious requirement regarding how a client`s good should be prepared List some examples of aids to eating and drinking that there are in your workplace. How do they help prevent accidents? How do you prepare the dining room for the client`s? How can you help the individuals to socialise at mealtimes? How do you prepare to handle the food? How do you prepare your clients to eat and drink? List the signs that a client may be allergic to a particular type of food. When would these signs present? What would you do if a client was severely affected by the foodstuff and became suddenly ill? For example if the person was choking, vomiting or couldn`t swallow? Give two examples of laws/company policy regarding dealing with food What health and safety rules must be covered? Your hygiene Food storage Records of food stuffs Preventing infection Why is it important that food and drink are provided in manageable portions and at a pace that suits the client? What action would you take if you noticed a client was not eating/drinking? How could you encourage them to eat/drink? Attach a copy of a food chart that you have filled in. Why is it important that you have a record of this information? Why is it important that clients are supported to clean themselves during or after a meal? Why is it
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