Healthcare Rationing Pros And Cons

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INTRODUCTION The United States is in need of a healthcare over hall. Costs are high, waiting times long, and quality of care is decreasing. As a solution the suggestion of healthcare rationing is being introduced as an answer to the issue. Cost containment has an industry in turmoil and there are many ideas being tossed around to correct the rising costs and it appears that healthcare rationing is taking a front seat. WHAT IS HEALTHCARE RATIONING Healthcare rationing is defined as “the limitation of access to or the equitable distribution of medical services, through various gatekeeper controls.” (McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. 2002) Rationing takes place each and every day around us in various forms that we, as the…show more content…
(Friedenberg, 2000) Each form of healthcare rationing comes with it’s own effects and consequences, whether they be positive or negative. The degree of the outcome for the patient, negative or positive, will be based upon the regulations put forth by the controlling parties. It is my opinion that if certain forms of rationing are not properly regulated then this country will experience several forms of discrimination, patient endangerment and a gross social injustice. RATIONING BY DELAY Rationing by delay is the process of delaying treatments, procedures, and testing in order to decrease costs. (Friedenberg, 2000) In my opinion rationing by delay, if it is beneficial and does not cause imminent death, is a crucial and appropriate part of cost containment. For example, if an individual is in need of a surgery that can increase their quality of life but is not viewed as healthy enough to receive the procedure, then a delay would be appropriate if the lack of the surgery did not mean they would experience a decrease in quality or quantity of life. However, this form of rationing must be regulated heavily to ensure that individuals are not being discriminated against based upon their demographics if the demographic is not a necessary tool in the final decision…show more content…
(Friedenberg, 2000) I believe that rationing by denial is just and fair to the patient if the procedure being sought is denied based upon the sole fact that it is not seen, by medical professionals, as a life saving measure or need. In some instances individuals want to increase their quality of life through procedures that are not necessary to their existence. Examples of this are surgeries for weight loss when the weight of the person can be altered by exercise and a proper diet. I support weight loss surgery if an individual is obese to the point of immobility or has a weight dilemma based upon health reasons. However, I believe that the denial of such procedures, if used appropriately for cost containment and regulated heavily, are just and fair if an individual can alter their quality of life through a healthier

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