Health Care Museum

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Health Care Museum Name HCS/235 June 15, 2013 Name Health Care Museum The following paper is a proposal for the new health care hall of fame Museum. The Museum will be composed of five exhibits, which are Medicare, Modern Health Insurance, Hospice, Long term care and the Public health service. The first part of this proposal for the museum will discuss the history and impact of these health care developments on the health care system. The second part will be an overview of how these five exhibits relate to each other in the health care system, Medicare Exhibit 1 As Part of the Social Security…show more content…
The Kimball had previously worked as the City’s school superintendents so he was aware of schoolteachers struggle to pay their medical bills. He works out a plan so that the schoolteachers would pay 50 cents a month a group and for that they would receive twenty-one days of hospitalization in a semiprivate room. “This was the beginning of the national Blue Cross plan model the concept of assuring the benefit not of cash but of service “(Barsukiewicz, Raffel, & Raffel, 2010,). As the people 1930s, the demand for health insurance increased. In 1939 the California Medical Association started a plan that was based on paying physicians for their services; this would become known as the Blue shield concept. Today there are many different health insurance providers; these insurance companies provide a valuable service to our health care industry The impact of Blue cross Blue Shield is affecting how health care is pay for in America. These types of plans provided health insurance for millions of Americans, without it not many people could afford health…show more content…
Started in the 60s Medicare is a vital program used by the people over 65, the disabled and those people suffering from end stage renal disease We learned how modern health insurance was started and how it affected the way health care system in America. Some people in America were unable to get insurance like blue cross and blue shield, that why the government created the Medicare plan. Next we discussed Hospice, which was created to assist the terminally ill, Medicare, and Insurance plan will work with Hospice help make the terminally ill person feel more comfortable. The Public health service provides protects the public with programs like influenza vaccinations, which in turn can be covered under a Medicare or a person private insurance. Final we examined Long Term Care, which is any treatment that requires 90 days or more. The Medicare and modern insurance plans were started just for things like LTC. All of these exhibits interact with each other in many ways; the health care system could not function without any of
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