Health and Social Care Document 4222-245

3793 Words16 Pages
4222-245 1.1 The legislation that has been put in place to promote human rights, inclusion, and equal life chances of people with learning difficulties is the human rights act. The Act sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that individuals in the UK have access to. They include: • Right to life • Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment • Right to liberty and security • Freedom from slavery and forced labour • Right to a fair trial • No punishment without law • Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence • Freedom of thought, belief and religion • Freedom of expression • Freedom of assembly and association • Right to marry and start a family • Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms • Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property • Right to education • Right to participate in free elections 1.2 I would like to believe that the policies and procedures that are in place are known by the people with learning difficulties and their families to know they have the same rights as everyone else. This helps to reduce the chance of discrimination although vulnerable people such as people with learning difficulties are more susceptible to be a victim of abuse. 2.1 A condition giving rise to learning difficulties, especially when not associated with physical disability. Learning difficulties significantly reduces the ability to understand new or complex information or to learn new skills. This reduces the ability to cope independently and starts before adulthood with lasting effects on development. 2.2 While there is still no proven causes of learning disabilities there is knowledge related to what causes learning disabilities. Here are three things that could cause

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