Health and Social Care 208

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Unit 208 Understanding Health and Safety in social care settings. 1.1 List legislation relating to general health and safety in a social care setting * Health and safety at work act 1974 * Moving and handling operating regulations. (MHOR) * Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations. (RIDDOR) * Control of substances hazardous to health. (COSHH) * Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 * Health and safety (first aid) regulations 1981 1.2 Describe the main points of health and safety policies and procedures. Whilst the company has a key responsibility in managing Health and Safety in the workplace, we all as employees have a part to play. We are all responsible for acting in a safe manner whilst at work. By understanding our responsibilities and following our safety rules, we will be helping to comply with Mears legal duties and contributing to the safe running of our workplace. My responsibilities as set out by Mears are. Ensuring I take reasonable care of my own health and safety and the health and safety of my colleagues, service users and anyone else who might be affected by what I do or not do at work, I must co-operate with the company at all times ensuring that the place in which myself and my colleagues work is a safe and healthy environment. I must not deliberately or carelessly misuse or abuse anything that is provided for the health, safety or welfare of everyone in contact with the company. I should be familiar with the Health and Safety procedures. I must complete various health and safety forms whenever appropriate. I must read procedures to prevent or reduce the chances of injury and co-operate with drills and reviews of drills. I must wear PPE when necessary and always adhere to achieve training and follow instructions. 1.3 Outline the main health and safety
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