Hbr Case Analysis

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[pic] S.G. Cowen: New Recruits Case Summary The S.G. Cowen case describes the hiring process at a prestigious, mid-sized investment banking firm. The case follows the firm through an entire recruiting season, starting with the choice of which business schools to visit and ending with "Super Saturday" where senior bankers make the final hiring selections. As the case ends, the bankers discuss four candidates who are on the bubble for the last two associate slots. The case presents an overview of the entire hiring process at an organization for whom hiring the right people is extremely important. Therefore, instructors will find that the case provides a good jumping-off point for a wide-ranging discussion about recruiting talent. In particular, students can explore: ! Developing a recruiting strategy including identifying target schools, providing information to candidates, winnowing applicants and making final choices. ! Conducting an employment interview and collecting data through additional sources such as references and psychological tests. ! Aggregating information about candidates and deciding the appropriate criteria for a position. ! Aligning a firm's hiring process with its strategy. Besides being an examination of an important function in a professional service firm, the case should interest students because of their experiences in the labor market. Being considered for a job is nearly a universal ordeal, one that generally fills individuals with anxiety and uncertainty. The case allows students to see recruiting from the other side of the desk and understand how the situations they face as job seekers are determined by company policies and practices. The rest of the note consists of a case analysis in three parts. The first deals with the recruiting season at S.G.

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