Has Technology Made the World a Better Place to Live in?!

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Has technology made the world a better place to live in?! Technology has greatly improved as time was passing. Scientists, Inventors, and developers are working hard to make life easier. Whenever a day passes we hear about a new invention, which makes it hard to argue that technology didn’t make the world a better place to live in. Maybe there are some negative effects that were caused by technology, but the measure of the positive effects is way more than the negatives. Technology provides faster ways of transportation and communication. It’s really hard to imagine our life without technology. For instance, it was hard for people to communicate with their relatives’ who were not living in the same village, city or country. The only way to communicate was through post office, hand-to-hand delivery or other simple ways, which usually takes a lot of time and effort. Nowadays, it’s really easy to talk to any person in any country. In the last 20 years cell phones and Internet made communication much easier than before. My brother lives in Malaysia, so whenever I want to contact him I give him a call through Skype, a program which makes you able to have video calls with anyone has internet connection and has the same program, or I use my cell phone incase I don’t have internet connection at that time. In the past, the only way to move from place to another was Camels, Horses, Donkeys and Mules. Once my grandma told me that 55 years ago she traveled from Hajja to Taiz , 380 km away, this journey took her 21 days on a top of a Mule. For me this story explained a lot because these days for people who are heading from Hajja to Taiz it takes them only 6 hours by a car! Airplanes and cars are the most common transportation that people use around the world. Those two inventions helped us a lot as it made our life easier. Anyone who wants to travel to another

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