Has New Man Finally Arrived

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Sociology essay "Has 'new man' finally arrived?". "Has 'new man' finally arrived?" is a very controversial question, and there are many view points and anwsers to this question. It mostly depends on which part of society you live in ie poor familys tend to share all the burdens as to maximise their income, whereas rich family (the upper class) tend to stick to the more traditional roles of the male works and his wife and sometimes daughters do the cooking, cleaning etc. It remains however that the results from most researchers show, although women can work they are disproportionately responsible for childcare and the 'emotional' work in the family. One cause for this was remarked upon by 'McMahon (1999)' who stated "the main influence on the amount of men's domestic work is the presence or absence of a wife". It was also discovered during the research conducted by 'Speakman and Marchington (1999)' that the men often feigned ignorance or pretended they couldn't do the task of using household machinery so that they could opt out of the domestic tasks. The way men have been brought up often affects the way they do there duties and which duties they undertake, for example men fifty years ago were taught that they never did housework or childcare, that was a women’s job. We see this in places still today, when I did my questionnaire of the people around me the majority was at my church, every family I spoke to remarked that although the husband would have the children for a couple of hours there were few things that they actually did other than watch television with them and most of the mothers had given up their job, so the man was the sole 'bread winner' who went out and fed his family. Although I am aware that my church is a small percentage of the population it is still common for the women to do more in the house. Feminist sociologists
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