Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Archetypes

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Harry potter is a hero in there novel “Harry potter and the deathly hallows” because he is brave. He is brave because he will save others before himself and go and die for others. He will also do anything to help another person. For example, on page 633 Ron begs Harry to leave the flaming room, but Harry insists on going back and saving Draco Malfoy, who is his ‘enemy’. Another example where Harry shows his bravery is on page 704, when Harry goes into the forest and waits for his death to come so that Voldermort will stop hurting other people. Bravery means for someone to possess or exhibit courage or courageous endurance, and when Harry asks for nobody to stop or help him duel Voldermort, because he has to do it himself and defeat him once and for all, Harry shows pure bravery. Another trait that shows how heroic Harry potter is shown on p. 643, when Harry is arguing with Ron and Hermione to see that he should go and fight Voldermort himself and not have them risk their lives. This shows that Harry has more concern for other people than himself, therefore being self-less or un-selfish. Once more on pages 693 and 698 when Harry says that he must die, it has to end, and that he is about to die, he proves that he really odes care about others, and is un-selfish. Harry potter is not only a brave and self-less hero, he is also a trustworthy friend. When Harry dies for Dumbledore on p.696, he shows that no matter the extreme, Harry ill keep a promise to somebody. On page 657, when snape dies, and he tells Harry to come and collect his memories, Harry still approaches the dead body, and collects them no matter how dreadful it may be. Harry's friends know that they can trust Harry, and Dumbledore expresses this on page 603, when he says that he knew that Harry would fulfill his requests, as Harry did. Harry potter is a brave, self-less, and trust worthy friend
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