Harrison Bergeron Essay

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Amanda English 1113 Literary Analysis Breaking Free In the short story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Harrison, the main character, tries to break free of an unjust and malicious government control. The government claims equality, when in fact, the general public has just become complacent with ignorance. They are brain washed to believe they cannot do any better than they already have. Even with immense handicaps, and knowing the ultimate consequences, Harrison still pushes through with his plan to break away from the government control he knew to be wrong. The government controls the population with an ear bud radio system that controls their thoughts around the clock with intermittent annoyance of sounds. Every time a thought arises in their brain, this system immediately wipes their thought away with bothersome noise. Also, ‘mental handicaps’ are placed on individuals to ‘weigh’ them down in society. These are heavy pieces of metal and bags of birdshots. Some people even had masks on their faces to make everyone’s beauty ‘equal.’ These handicaps are symbolic of the government controlling society in the guise of benevolence. Brain control is another malevolent fixation the government had in creating so-called equality. People are centered in front of the televisions. Subliminally the government is controlling the programming, since they manipulate every other aspect of the perfect society’s lives. Harrison’s father, George, gets up at his son’s untimely death to drink a beer, another ‘numbing’ agent allowed by the government. Harrison and his newly found love are brutally shot with a double-barreled shot gun by the Handicapper General. This is a reminder of totalitarian domination, and is just down- right vicious. Harrison is given no chance to explain his self, is not placed back

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