Hardy Presenting Personal Relationships

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Discuss ways in which Hardy presents personal relationships. Refer to the poetic methods and their effects in The Darkling Thrush and In Tenebris I. Hardy presents his personal relationships as doubtful, contradictory, self-piteous, hesitant and slightly hopeful despite the hopelessness in ‘The Darkling Thrush’ and ‘In Tenebris I’, however, all of these negative remarks are honest and humble and not pretentious making his works very truthful. His works are powerfully conveyed through the use of figurative language as well as evocative language. Hardy took a leap by making himself the subject of his own poem in ‘In Tenebris I’ by the use of ‘my’, ‘me’ and ‘I’ and it is further evident that he made himself his subject through the third person narration in ‘him’ and ‘his’, after receiving criticism particularly on his novel ‘Jude the Obscure’. His views on society was quite controversial as his views were different from theirs especially in forms of religion and moral ethics, and viewing the problem as a 21st century observer, Hardy’s views and thoughts were much advanced from those in his era, thoughts that were much better suited today, and this caused him much disapproval, not only among society but also his then wife Emma which very much puts him in a dark place. The repetition of ‘but’ throughout the whole poem in ‘In Tenebris I’ suggests a strong sense of contradiction, possibly on his views towards religion as he grew up in a religious household but eventually lost his faith as the effect of modern scientific theories such as that of Darwinism and the rise of biblical criticism in the 19th century as science advancement progressed and as the effect of Industrialisation. It is also evident throughout the poem that he uses words with religious references, such as ‘appal’ in ‘But death will not appal’ which provides a highly connotative meaning such as
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