Happy Familys Essay

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What makes a Happy Family? A family can be two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and usually live in the same house. Families range from all sorts of races, forms and sizes. Families differ in various ways but each one has its own definition of a happy home and family. So, what makes a happy family? There are many important factors that make a happy family such as keeping order and quality time. Order is one of the important factors that make a happy family. With order there is no chaos or confusion in the home. A well-organized family will be able to function smoothly and easily in completing various tasks that each individual must do. When each individual knows his/her own responsibility, he/she is capable and able to bring more harmony and peace in the home. Quality time is definitely one aspect to having a happy family. This quality time spent together as a family no matter what the activity is will surely strengthen a family's relationship. Quality time helps to develop a bond between family members. Not only will this strengthen ties, it will provide you with charitable memories of times spent together, whether it is having fun, being sad, happy, or bad. There are many other things that can decide whether you have a happy family. Like how you and your family deal with stress. If you and your family can communicate well or is it a complete mess. There are lots of other things for all I know u may not do any of those things and your family is happy. This is all my personally opinion about what I think makes a good

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