Happiest Refuge, Anh Do

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Orange group Analyzing a non-fiction text Happiest refuge by Anh Do 1. Explain the main ideas presented in this passage and how you are positioned to respond to it: In the start of the book Anh tells the same paragraph about him flying down the high way to see his dad after 9 years in the prologue. I think he is telling this same part of the story twice because this is the part of his life when he looks back at everything. And looks to the future to see what is going to happen next. But I think he was still a little confused realizing that his dad still loved him. but was of with another woman and had a baby and how he would have feelings for this baby he adores his dad but hates him at the same time. One passage in the paragraph witch Anh recited was “ when you find the right girl marry her.” Witch is what his dad use to tell him and the main reason Anh went to see his father because he had found the one. And he desperately wants to tell his father and his girl friend is encouraging him witch is touching. As you know Anh still cares about his father even though he wont admit it witch makes me look back on my life. And make me think about my family and my father as they are not together and if that were I what would I be doing. The passage really brings a tear to my eye and is one of my favorites because you really get to see a different side of Anh. 2. Explain any two conventions used in this passage and analyze the effects of these conventions: Point of view: The great part of having a bias story is you only have one point of view means you get to go directly into the person’s head. And you get to see inside their head everything that he is feeling but sometimes that can be a bad thing. Because you don’t get to see what the other characters are thinking. And you only know what Anh thinks of everything and his preparation of everything
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