Happiest Day to Saddest Day

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Alexis Durio Pamela Davis Writing 0307 09, March 2012 Happiest Day to the Saddest Day I’ve always wondered why emotions can cause you to have happy days and then turn around and give you a sad one. Happiness and sadness can take you through high and lows, pain and suffering, and then bring you to an emotional halt. The happiest moment in my life is when I gave birth to my two precious daughters but my saddest came about when the rock of my family made her transition from earth to heaven. In the following passage I will channel through the differences between these moments in my life. One of the major differences between the two is the high and lows they brought about. When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I was ecstatic and in a bit of disarray all at the same time. I was overjoyed because a part of me was about to make their arrival into the world. With every good high point to giving birth, there came a low right behind it. The same went about with the passing of my grandmother. Watching my grandmother battle with sickness and hearing the news of her passing was my low point. But the highs came about when I realized she was no longer suffering and in pain anymore. She was at rest with the Lord. Another difference between the two is the amount of pain and suffering I had to go through. With the child birthing experience I went through seven hours of pure torture. That was a pain like no other, or so I thought. I suffered with the lack of anesthesia, the loss of blood, and a few tears to shed, but I would not have traded it for the world. With all that pain, I am completely blessed with two beautiful little girls. As far as the loss of my loved one, pain and suffering took a different approach. The fact that I thought child birthing was painful is completely absurd. To lose someone that has been a part of your life since the beginning

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