Han China and Rome Dbq

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Keila Mosquea 3/3/15 AP World History Prep DBQ period 4 The Han and Roman attitudes towards technology were both praised greatly among themselves, but Han China valued technology more so than the Romans due to Han China’s constant concern about the empire while the Romans were indifferent. Han China’s attitudes toward technology displayed self-praise, which is reasonable due to the fact that the empire invented essential items like paper and acupuncture. Han China also felt that their technology should help the common people, as discussed in the letter a government official wrote about flood prevention, how people should “establish water conservation offices in each district” (Doc 1) to prevent the disaster. This displays a general concern for the people and/or property to aid the empire using technology. This concern is also expressed in the source written by Huan Guan, a government official where he tells about problems in society from lack of technology, such as iron plows. He discusses how technology becomes useless as all the tools are “crude and not very functional,” (Doc 2) showing how the Chinese prefer tools that are useful and efficient. Huan Tan, an upper class philosopher also hints at self-praise, saying “the benefit [from technology] was increased a hundredfold.” (Doc 3) This further shows Han China’s concern for effective technology. The source from the History of the Han Dynasty discusses how the appointed governor Tu Shih is praised as it glorifies technology, such as “iron agricultural implements that allowed people to enjoy great benefit for little labor.” (Doc 4) The Romans, on the contrary, had attitudes that expressed little to no interest or concern to how the lower class or the peasants will benefit from technology. The upper class Roman political leader Cicero calls crafts “vulgar and unbecoming.” (Doc 5) This shows the
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